Archive for March, 2014

March 3, 2014

Art is a combination of life experience, hidden gems, stories and interpretation that can inspired by a conversation, a thought, solution or overcoming adversity.

Art is the idea of expressing your vision but leaving it open to interpretation. Art is visual stimulation that takes you on a journey to personalize the portrait or put yourself in the artist shoes.


(Mandela by Jeff Huntington; magazine clippings and acrylic on masonite)

We are all a product of art whether it is within our speech, what is left on a canvas, poems written on paper, music, film, theater, architecture or science applied to creating. Art is a reflection of life, expression of emotion and an outlet to tell a story.


“It is easy to see the glow but hard to recognize the awakening of silence.”
~ Dejan Stojanovic


(JaH-HaHa, Cash in Cash 2013;donated pennies)


Jay-Z by Beata Drozd


Jason Bryant, It only happens once


Visit the Porter Contemporary to see the above artwork.

Good day SPLASHY readers!