Archive for the ‘Poetry’ Category

It’s Just A Conversation Podcast
March 22, 2022

Chanel Speedy®️ popped into It’s Just A Conversation Podcast with hosts Ceon and Marcus to promote her book Eye See Reality, speak her truth and offer laughs. Her intellect, comedic approach, and personality flowed just as eloquently and refreshing as the tone of her voice. Her assertive nature, confidence behind her experiences to translate into meaningful messages and give her standpoint within any topic thrown at her was entertaining.

Chanel Speedy®️ deep diving into her book Eye See Reality

To have her on the show and navigate through her resume, professional background and offer insight in regards to financial literacy, social issues and being innovative has demonstrated longevity, dedication and being fearless.

Eye See Reality written by Chanel Speedy®️ her authorial debut is for a mature audience with a poetic heart, as the volumes of three generations are compiled into fictional poems, letters, soliloquies and short stories. This penned exploration is shining a light on love, loss, personal matters, resilience, and growth. This book is for her, she who has faced difficulties and lived beyond her wildest dreams. This is for her, she who exudes an undeniable amount of strength to encourage you, YoU, and YOU to continue to shine your inner light beam. Despite the reality she has seen.

Eye See Reality is a fictional and raw component of the senses through the composition of vanity and the pitfalls of being a woman. Often, while reading an anthology of poems they are not interwoven to connect the fabric of character development.

What is the focal point of what we see as the reader? What does she carry on her sleeve from her experiences? What is the little girl looking forward to becoming with a higher form of self to make her decision?

Chanel Speedy®️ shook the table as a guest on It’s Just A Conversation Podcast with hosts Marcus and Ceon (teaser)

Chanel Speedy®️ authorial debut is an anthology entitled Eye See Reality
March 22, 2022

Hello, it’s me. If you have been following me you know the journey and how my writing has propelled me to perform on stages in the form of Spoken Word, the history of the 3 appearances I made on the GRAMMY®️ ballot in the Spoken Word category onto my multimedia endeavors. If you are just now being introduced to me; WELCOME! Writing has always been a way to unleash my creativity as I call it Radtastic Splashery because it leaves a lasting impression.

*** The first 50 supporters will receive a surprise Chanel Speedy®️ SPLASH PACK as a thank you. ***

The countdown for the release of the first written anthology publication by Chanel Speedy®️ entitled EYE SEE REALITY is June 20, 2022. It has been a long time coming as far as: the learning curve, getting the proper paperwork aligned and self teaching process nonetheless Eye See Reality is ON THEE WAY! Can I get a whoop, whoop.

Eye See Reality is a fictional and raw component of the senses through the composition of vanity and the pitfalls of being a woman. Often, while reading an anthology of poems they are not interwoven to connect the fabric of character development.

Chanel Speedy®️ explores the parallels within her fictional writing that introduces you to the point of view of: Pain, Chance, and Hope. As the stories are narrated through the eyes of girls recalling their childhood as women; and women facing the turmoil of the repetition of reliving what once was in a different form.

What is the focal point of what we see as the reader? What does she carry on her sleeve from her experiences? What is the little girl looking forward to becoming with a higher form of self to make her decision?


What is love to you?
July 14, 2017

After having a great conversation about LOVE! I realized a few things: we all grow at different paces and phases. Love lost is not necessarily a loss if you were not ready to commit fully. We all are in need of reaching our full potential of being in love to recognize it; if it is ever to resurface AGAIN!

To love, have love for someone and be in love with someone are three different scenarios. You could love someone and not be in a relationship with them. The same as being in a relationship with someone because it became your identity and is familiar to you. However, later on you realize you are in love with someone else.

In the art of conversation we learn that asking the right questions will set the answers free. Why does everyone love me? Why does everyone fall in love with me? Why haven’t I had a love to my full capacity yet? All are questions that were posed to me. However, I am not the person who was on their love journey to answer the questions risen to me. I was not the person you poured your heart out to in order to understand why love has eased passed you.
I am merely the person to help you seek your wisdom to lead you to the truth. If it was never felt how do you know you had it? If you had it and lost it how does one recognize when it is real again? This is my stop I am going to let your train of thought be processed as I make my exit. You will know once you reach your destination for the desired connection. Until next time blessings.

As your train of thought ran processed his feelings, concerns and personal definition to my posted question was so eloquently answered. This is why Darrøn McM is the feature of the month. Stay tuned as you will get the inside splash of a males perceptive of the topic at hand. See below for the response that blew me away and had me singing like Ciara “I’m speechless/Ahw, you got me speechless/I-I-I-I’m speechless I-I’m….” Yall may think I am kidding because I play all day hence the picture below but I am so serious.

Splashy readers PREPARE to be left sitting wherever you are in the world with your mouf [aka mouth] ajar after this knowledge chunk hits you TUH. This is why I leave people on read if you are not doing your daily mental exercise to workout the kinks to keep me interested. So yall can keep your WYD texts.

I am icing my brain; it hurts when it doesn’t see words formulated into a sentence. Why you ask be-cause I automatically think of calculus and letters equating to numbers. On top of me thinking about what the letter means in a sentence and by the time I figure it out my brain has an attitude with me. I didn’t send the text RELAX! Now I have a headache and the screen light is bothering my eyes I am tearing up in my eyes I have a pack of tissues by my side. See how I am going through it. No you don’t get a response my eyes need to rest sir. Sheesh I really was just in my feelings huh. True story lol. Did you laugh? Did you smile? Did you say only Chanel Speedy? If so, GOOD! I was a comedian in my past dream this is standup on the turn up as you wake up as I splash you in.

Without further ado I invite you to read the interpretation of love by (drum roll please) a little louder it is his first time or anyone for that matter being featured on my blog. OK perfect give it up and show your love for Darrøn McM!!!!!

Yeah there are definitely many interpretations to what the concept of love is. To me love is a placebo that people use to give meaning to something or to make someome or something feel important or to even fuel your own ego. Especially nowadays people just throw the word around and it decreases it’s value with every passing moment.

People get addicted to the concept of wanting to be desired or need to get that high of being wanted or needed and be apart of something bigger that it takes over their state of mind and they build up their own fabrications that leads directly to their own failure. So when you ultimately break it down love comes down to using the placebo of what the feeling of “love” is generally fantasized as by society to mask the inner narcisstics inside of us that we try to keep at bay.

If you have a different interpretation of what love is start the conversation in the comment box. Speakkkkkkkkk

Sorry… But Not Sorry by Chanel Speedy

Somewhere someone is searching for you
in everyone they meet
Sorry I outgrew you
Sorry you didn’t get it on the first try
Second chances are not always granted
Nor go in your favor
That’s life next time don’t take that person for granted the first time
I am highly favored yet seeking teachings of Him the most high
Teaching lines, lines teaching you how to treat thee
Your loss no settling in any category
Not my monopoly
I found better for ME hence there is no WE
Sorry… But not Sorry
Dust Settles I Don’t/I Love Me/Celebrate a New Chapter I’m being selfish with me/My gentle soul is freed/Sorry… But not Sorry