Archive for November, 2013

The Best Man Holiday
November 15, 2013


Ok ok ok Im going to give you a lot but in actuality it’s only a little bit.  Get into it. Be intrigued and support this long awaited sequel. All in aggreeance nod your head yes. It’s not as if I an confirm you did but do it anyway.

The Best Man Holiday is a great movie kudos to Malcolm D Lee it was well written and directed. The character development was awesome, the message behind each scenario makes you cherish who your friends are (I KNOW WHO MINE ARE!!!) and it was hilarious.

Be prepared to be on an emotional roller coaster, it is tear jerker there was not a dry eye in the theater. Sheesh. My tear ducts are usually broken because yall know I’m a G so you know I only cry thug tears. Tuh they may roll but they never fall B. End scene. Haha. That was my audition to making you smile. Did you?

Special shout out to Calcie Cooper (Social broker), Sky Room and AMC Theaters. Here is your homework assignment splashy readers – wait for it, wait for it —>GO see this movie!!! (Yes that was my high pitch yell). I’m giving pop quizzes on sight as of Monday you have 3 days. I will haunt your dreams and hire bouncers to escort you to the theater if you don’t.

Enjoy your weekend all. Smiles.


End Hunger
November 14, 2013



Many of us myself included take for granted simple luxuries in life. Someone checking on your well being, an unexpected gift or words of encouragement. I challenge you to step out of your element of concern, uncertainty, struggle, daily problems and LISTEN when someone is talking to you.

Remove the notion of hearing just to respond really put yourself in their shoes. You can always return to yourself when they leave.

We take food, shelter and responsibility for granted. There are many people who don’t have food to eat, a warm coat or house to live in. This is the reason why I took the initiative to collaborate with City Winery to do my part towards the End Hunger campaign.

As I volunteered I sensed a void in which my vision is fulfilling. Thank you all for the support thus far it is greatly appreciated. All proceeds is going to charity of my choice. I will update all of my splashy readers when I make the presentation. This is only the beginning. Mwahz.



City Winery (Restaurant/concert venue)

My shin is ashy smh
November 10, 2013

Lol so on my way to donate clothes to the House of Mary Nazareth. I’m pushing my shopping cart jamming to my music I didn’t notice the sidewalk was unleveled. The shopping cart wheels caught on and it flew forward I let it drop and it scraped my shin all the while laughing. Moral of the story is watch what is around you at all times, life tests your balance 24/7/365 if you fall get back up and carry out your mission. ‪#‎Splashy‬ side bar: my leg is ashy now tuh

Read my poem entitled Beautiful Butterfly below it relates to my experience and it may just enlightened you. Well I know it will. So just snap your fingers and do a step after reading. Smiles.

Transcending Metamorphis
I evolve
I transform
Here I sit developing all my features
Similar to a fetus
I rise
Molding takes form in the cocoon similar to a womb
Caterpillars crawl
I have to learn to adapt to my new surroundings
You nurture me in order for me to grow

Break through my old bodily form
My wings spread
Can’t stay on the ground
I have to fly
Excel – propel to the sky
Beautiful Butterfly

I soar
I’m free
Succeeding in life
I’m flying to new heights
I see life in a different light
Its beautiful
Instead of looking to the clouds
I am one with them NOW

Changes – transformations
Throughout stages overtime
Just as I mature bypass resiliency to transgress
I grow
Immature time over
I grew over time into a Beautiful Butterfly